Marta Maćkowiak

RNAtango - RNA 3d structure analysis in Torsion ANGle dOmain

Marta Maćkowiak, Bartosz Adamczyk, Tomasz Żok, and Marta Szachniuk

[Work in progress]

RNA tango is a web application available on any device for 3d structure analysis of torsion angles. The visualisation of torsion angles allows to describe the relationship between individual nucleotides, better than coordinates alone. The tool allows the user to download the data and visualise it, aiding in the prediction of 3d structures.

miRarchitect - machine learning-based tool for rational design of artificial miRNAs

Agnieszka Belter, Jarosław Synak, Marta Maćkowiak, Anna Kotowska-Zimmer, Marek Figlerowicz, Marta Szachniuk, and Marta Olejniczak

[Work in progress]

miRarchitect was created to support the rational design of amiRNA therapeutics. The design process involves analyzing the target sequence (input), designing and studying the structure and thermodynamics of siRNA, selecting the best native pri-miRNA scaffold, and developing amiRNA.


Poznan University of Technology |

I was involved into a scientific project aimed on exploring quadruplexes in RNA 3D structures. During the time I developed two tools that was published in prestigious journals. I learned a lot about data processing, building pipelines and good coding practises. I was responsible for introducing two persons to data analysis and web applications development. Moreover I was presenting my work on four international conferences.

December 2023 - present

The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences

I was involved into scientific project aimed on design miRNA. As an UI Designer, I was responsible for create logo and layout for website tool to become more friendly for users.

June 2023 - December 2023